BaddyBops Pro

A purple banner with diagonal white text that says Click to Play!
Hands with colorful nails play an Xbox controller. Above and to the right is a pink, purple, and blue aura. Inside the aura says the name of the podcast Baddy Breakdowns Pink star with white text that says NEW!

Kicking off our first episode of Baddy Breakdowns, we discuss, in depth, Game Grumps' dating sim Dream Daddy. Are you ready? Hi ready, I'm Dad. Show Notes Dream Daddy Steam Link Making of Dream Daddy NoClip Documentary Follow us on Instagram @baddybreakdowns or TikTok @baddybreakdowns




Welcome to

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                     | _ \ '_/ -_) _` | / / _` / _ \ V  V / ' \(_-<
                     |___/_| \___\__,_|_\_\__,_\___/\_/\_/|_||_/__/.com 

~the site for our super cool video game podcast~

By day, we're Bridgette & Maddy, two dope ass chicks working in the video game industry. By night, we're (B)ridgette & M(addy), two hot baddies that love breaking down video games.

We're glad you're here!

P.S. Yes we work for Xbox, but all our opinions are 100% our own and you can't get secrets out of us. We'll never tell. xoxo

Welcome to

 ___          _    _      
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   | _ )_ _ ___ __ _| |____| |_____ __ ___ _  ___
   | _ \ '_/ -_) _` | / / _` / _ \ V  V / ' \(_-<
   |___/_| \___\__,_|_\_\__,_\___/\_/\_/|_||_/__/.com 

~the site for our super cool video game podcast~

By day, we're Bridgette & Maddy, two dope ass chicks working in the video game industry. By night, we're (B)ridgette & M(addy), two hot baddies that love breaking down video games.

We're glad you're here!

P.S. Yes we work for Xbox, but all our opinions are 100% our own and you can't get secrets out of us. We'll never tell. xoxo


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